Author Lydia Noyes

Lydia Noyes is an Appalachian homesteader and writer that lives on a land trust deep in the mountains of West Virginia.

Lifestyle front door of homestead with plants and picket fence
11 Easy Ways to Start Homesteading Right Where You Are

Are you aching to feel a closer connection with the land around you? Looking for new ways to become self-sufficient? You probably fit the definition of a homesteader without even knowing it. Before you start imagining scenes from the Little House books, keep in mind that being a homesteader doesn’t require vast tracts of land. […]

Crystal Healing: What You Need To Know + 13 Types You Can Use

In love with rocks but not quite sure what they can do for you? As it turns out, there are people all around the world that believe gemstones and crystals have healing powers that help them be at their best. In their view, their favorite gemstones have specific vibrations that can cast out bad energy […]

Food & Nutrition closeup of ginger root
Ginger 101: The Benefits and Top Ways to Use It

If you enjoy the taste of pungent spices, ginger is likely already a staple item in your kitchen pantry. Full of zesty flavor that can liven up any dish; fresh ginger root is truly beyond compare. However, few people know how healthy this lumpy looking root really is. If your exposure to ginger is limited […]

Lifestyle bar of natural homemade soap in a dish with towels in the background
How To Make Homemade Soap: Top Tips For Success

How much money have you spent over the years on specialty body products at cutesy boutiques? The selections of handmade goods might be inspiring, but the price tags on these items are no joke. Usually in prominent displays are homemade soaps and lotions in a wild array of colors and scents, and they’re almost irresistible […]

Lifestyle closeup of acupuncture needle
Acupuncture And Everything You Need To Know About It

Sick of feeling inexplicable pain in your joints and muscles? The last thing you would probably think to do to find relief is to jab yourself with small needles, but for many people, this surprising technique provides some much needed relief. It’s called acupuncture, and this ancient Chinese traditional healing technique might just change your […]

Food & Nutrition bottle of apple cider vinegar beside a basket of apples (for article about apple cider vinegar uses)
15 Apple Cider Vinegar Uses For Health and Wellness

Pucker up! The tangy taste of apple cider vinegar is better for your body than you know. Long used as a probiotic-filled wellness tonic and all-purpose cleaner, apple cider vinegar is surging in popularity as a natural alternative to other, chemical laden products on the market today. If you’ve been noticing that apple cider vinegar […]

Lifestyle woman spraying natural perfume
These Natural Perfumes Will Keep You Smelling and Feeling Awesome

Ever spent time near the perfume section of a mall? At first, the almost overwhelming blend of fragrances smells incredible, but within a short amount of time you’re likely to leave the cosmetics counter with a pounding headache. The reason for this, (besides too many scents at once) is that the majority of perfumes on […]

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