Browsing: Food & Nutrition

Gardening & Farming woman planting plants using mulch for no-till agriculture
No-till Farming for Healthier Soil and Lifestyles

Masanobu Fukuoka, the late Japanese farmer, developed a unique farming system he called “Natural Farming”. Trying to replicate what he saw in Nature, Fukuoka’s no till system allowed the soil to continually grow in fertility. Through the use of mulch and cover crops, this system effectively allows for continuous harvests of crop rotations, eliminates weeds […]

Food & Nutrition cod liver oil capsules tumbling out of a glass jar
How Cod Liver Oil Can Improve Your Health

If you look around the natural health community you are likely to see cod liver oil being recommended left and right. But what’s the big deal about it? Cod liver oil is an excellent supplement because it’s derived from real food (cod livers to be exact) and has tons of things our bodies need to […]

Food & Nutrition spoons with spirulina supplements and powder
10 Health Benefits of Spirulina

Food is medicine, and spirulina is no exception. Humanity has consumed spirulina for centuries (maybe as early as biblical times) and its many health benefits may even replace medications in time.
Nutrient dense food
If nothing else, spirulina is chock full of nutrients the body desperately needs. It’s about 60% protein and contains all essential […]

Gardening & Farming tilled earth on farmland exposing rich topsoil
Topsoil: A Catalyst for Better Health and Nutrition

Where do we stand without soil? Everything begins and ends with the soil.

‘Topsoil’ is the upper couple inches of soil that covers large areas of the arable parts of the surface of our Earth. It is formed by the slow but steady decomposition of organic material by a host of microscopic organisms.

Unfortunately, close […]

Gardening & Farming dandelions in the foreground with grass behind
The Surprising Health Benefits in Your Weedy Lawn

What exactly is a weed?

Great thinkers have argued over a proper definition for centuries. Ralph Waldo Emerson provided a redemptive perspective on the scourge of gardeners by calling them “a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered”, while Doug Larson took the more pragmatic approach- that they are “a plant that has mastered […]

Gardening & Farming Lush urban garden on rooftop with highrises in background
The Best Tips for Starting a Small Urban Garden

Taking steps to live a more sustainable life has never been easier. People everywhere are no longer satisfied with planet-killing produce and are starting a movement to regain control of the food system. They are demanding to know where their food is grown and how it is produced. And in many cases, they are sticking […]

Lifestyle Man, woman and two children walking in nature
How to Stay Healthy Through Flu Season

From kids going back to school to you spending more hours at the office, winter brings seemingly unending viruses. Luckily, there are things you can do at home to help boost your immune system so you can avoid getting sick or, if you can’t avoid it, to get better faster.
Don’t get the flu shot […]

Lifestyle A wild blackberry picked and held by hand (close-up view)
Wild Fruit: Finding Free Food in Your Neighborhood

Free food! If those words don’t work to quicken your pulse, odds are you’re already dead. In that case, why worry about food anyways? You certainly won’t be needing it.

For the rest of us, what we will eat and where we will get it is a weekly, if not daily, consideration. Endlessly circulating the […]

Food & Nutrition A four prong ginseng plant with green immature berries. (top-view)
Ginseng: The Truth Behind the Miracle Medicinal Herb

There’s no denying that modern medicine can be frightening. Industrial drug production often seems more focused on generating a profit for researchers than healing the ailments of the sufferers, who have little choice but to buy their products. For many, this is unsettling.

These fears have caused many people to turn away from commercially produced […]

Food & Nutrition An illustration of the gut, sketched on a blackboard.
The Importance of Gut Health

Many people are unaware that 70% of our bodies’ immune system resides in the gut. Maintaining a healthy gut is becoming increasingly recognized as a key factor in maintaining health throughout the body. An unhealthy gut is now being linked to a variety of health problems, from depression to inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and […]

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