Browsing: Lifestyle

Food & Nutrition Perfectly white coconut oil in a glass bowl, with a raw fresh coconut split in half and a spoon next to it.
Coconut Oil – Magic in a Nutshell

Coconut oil has had a rough ride. Today, it’s popular in certain circles of the western world, but is certainly less mainstream than in the 1950s. Not to mention it’s been used for thousands of years by tropical cultures. It’s a bizarre dichotomy. While seen as an essential item by those interested in alternative health […]

Lifestyle A trail in a green forest.
Reconnecting with Nature for Good Health

Most of us relate to the notion that it simply ‘feels good’ to be in and around nature. Natural sights and sounds bring a sense of peace, rejuvenation and joy. They tend to help people better handle the many challenges of modern urban living – whether related to career, health or relationships.

The benefits we […]

Lifestyle Young people holding hands, creating a community circle.
The Unexpected Perks of Modern Communities

When most of us think about the word ‘community’, we tend to think on the scale of a neighbourhood, town or perhaps even a city. We may think about seeing the same people in the local cafe; or having the sense that everyone is looking out for one another. Largely, we have positive associations when […]

Lifestyle Natural skin care cream in a jar, with green leaves next to it.
Natural Skin Care: The Deeper Story

The skin – the largest organ in the human body – plays a number of subtle yet critical roles in our health. It’s also among the first of our features seen by the outside world. It comes as no surprise then, that the global skincare industry is huge – $121 Billion huge – and growing. […]

Lifestyle A young woman solo-viewing the sea
Journey of Purpose – Modern Vision Quests

For many of us, life is about finding, pursuing and developing a purpose. While simple in premise, it seems we can spend a lifetime in search of true meaning. Native cultures too, pondered their place in the world and their communities. Unlike most modern earth-dwellers however, native cultures developed formalized social structures to support and […]

Green Living A Dutch oven with charcoal pieces on top of and beneath it.
The Pollution-free Benefits of Cooking without Power

No one likes to be stuck in a sweltering kitchen on a hot sunny day. When the weather is gorgeous, summer evenings should be spent outside, not slaving away over air-polluting kitchen appliances. A recent study from California has brought to light just how toxic kitchen appliances can be. Gas powered ovens were found to […]

Lifestyle A woman sitting on a rock during the daytime, meditating in front of the ocean.
Daily Routines to De-stress Your Life

Stress is most often associated with a feeling of being overwhelmed by current surroundings or something going on in your life. It is inevitable to avoid feeling stress, but today more and more people are experiencing the complications that come with constant or extreme stress.

Stress is actually a completely normal human reaction. It is […]

Gardening & Farming Shiitake mushrooms on a wooden table.
The Foolproof Guide for Growing Mushrooms at Home

If you are serious about reducing your global carbon footprint and gaining more control over where your food comes from, then cultivating your own mushrooms should become a priority. Rich in flavor and easy to utilize in a wide variety of recipes, homegrown mushrooms add a robust, earthy taste to any dish, and growing them […]

Food & Nutrition An illustration of the gut, sketched on a blackboard.
The Importance of Gut Health

Many people are unaware that 70% of our bodies’ immune system resides in the gut. Maintaining a healthy gut is becoming increasingly recognized as a key factor in maintaining health throughout the body. An unhealthy gut is now being linked to a variety of health problems, from depression to inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and […]

Lifestyle A wild blackberry picked and held by hand (close-up view)
Wild Fruit: Finding Free Food in Your Neighborhood

Free food! If those words don’t work to quicken your pulse, odds are you’re already dead. In that case, why worry about food anyways? You certainly won’t be needing it.

For the rest of us, what we will eat and where we will get it is a weekly, if not daily, consideration. Endlessly circulating the […]

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