Author Lydia Noyes

Lydia Noyes is an Appalachian homesteader and writer that lives on a land trust deep in the mountains of West Virginia.

Lifestyle himalayan salt lamp lit and sitting on a table
Himalayan Salt Lamps: 6 Benefits You Probably Didn’t know

In recent years, using Himalayan salt to produce stunningly beautiful salt lamps has become wildly popular, for the health benefits as much as the aesthetics. These lamps are simply large chunks of salt that are hollowed out and modified to include a small light. Alternatively, you can also make a lamp by burying a light […]

Food & Nutrition Himalayan salt crystals in a ceramic bowl on a board
Himalayan Salt: Is It Worth The Hype? (+ 3 ways to use it)

No matter what sort of low sodium diet you choose to follow, it’s truly impossible to live without salt. This simple substance is essential for your daily body functioning. Going without much salt for even a few weeks can cause you to develop hyponatremia, a condition that occurs when you don’t have enough salt in […]

Food & Nutrition tea plantation with closeup of leaves
Facts About Matcha Tea: Nature’s Best Health Drink

The world runs on caffeine, at least first thing in the morning. If you’re like most westerners, getting a personal IV to drip your morning coffee right into your bloodstream isn’t totally out of the realm of possibilities. It might be hard to believe, but a good portion of the world wakes up perfectly fine […]

Lifestyle castor oil pouring into a spoon
Castor Oil: The Natural Benefits and 12 Ways To Use It

Does old-fashioned medicine make you cringe? Control your gag reflex if you must, because it turns out our ancestors knew what they were doing when it came to home remedies. Old timey medical solutions might be out of favor now, but the benefits many of them can provide for your body are hard to overstate. […]

Green Living recylcing logo on leaf with water
Living a Zero Waste Lifestyle: Top Tips For Starting

How much trash do you REALLY create in a day? It’s probably more than you think. The average American makes over 4.5 pounds of trash every day, most of which ends up rotting in landfills for hundreds, even thousands of years. This might not sound like much, but all that trash really adds up. Not […]

Lifestyle woman with long natural curly hair
The Best Natural Hair Care Ideas For Curly Hair

Living a natural lifestyle means being intentional about several different aspects of your life, including your diet, physical fitness and even clothes. But have you given much thought to the ways you take care of your hair? Specifically, curly hair can be a challenge for anyone to maintain, and turning towards natural options eliminates plenty […]

Lifestyle vial of essential oil
A Beginners Guide to Understanding Essential Oils

Plants are more powerful than we know. Unlike animals, plants don’t have the power to run away when threatened, which has caused them to slowly evolve with arsenals of powerful defenses against would-be eaters. These chemicals are antioxidants and have as many benefits for us as they do for plants. For this reason, people have […]

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