It’s hard to have a party without a heaping bowl of guacamole hogging the table. Everyone’s favorite green treat is tasty on chips and far too easy to gorge yourself on. However, thousands around the world are starting to embrace the other elements of the humble avocado and are exploring some different uses for it. […]
Browsing: hair care
If you find a day without fresh mango to be a day wasted, you’re missing out if you haven’t looked into using mango butter for your hair and skin. While this nourishing natural product isn’t made from the fruit itself, mango butter is made from the mango seed pod and is an ideal way to […]
How would you like to enjoy a breakfast fruit that has a fascinating blend of scents that can be best described as a mixture between chocolate and pineapple? When biting into that strange, tropical fruit, you find that it tastes like a soft pear with a hint of banana as well. Your senses go wild […]
Does old-fashioned medicine make you cringe? Control your gag reflex if you must, because it turns out our ancestors knew what they were doing when it came to home remedies. Old timey medical solutions might be out of favor now, but the benefits many of them can provide for your body are hard to overstate. […]
Living a natural lifestyle means being intentional about several different aspects of your life, including your diet, physical fitness and even clothes. But have you given much thought to the ways you take care of your hair? Specifically, curly hair can be a challenge for anyone to maintain, and turning towards natural options eliminates plenty […]
Finding the perfect products to make you look your most beautiful is no easy task, especially with the enormous amount of options available. Beauty products are an almost $60 billion industry every year, and companies are eager to push their products on you. Do you look better in warm tones or cool ones; matte lipstick […]