When it comes to health, few topics are as confusing as dairy. According to some experts, milk and cheese are wonder foods that will build up your bones and keep you glowing. But turn your eyes to other studies and all you’ll see are statistics about increased cancer rates and even more bone damage than […]
Your skin is your body’s biggest organ, and it pays to take care of it. Not only is your skin one of the first things people will notice about you, but it also acts as a barrier between the rest of your body and the nasty chemicals and pollutants in the world around you.
There’s […]
In the last couple of decades, the local food movement has gone from a fringe movement to a major player in the national food industry. Almost every major urban center around the country has several farmers markets, community supported agricultural programs and other innovative ways to bring farmers and consumers closer together. The local food […]
Turmeric is a root that grows well in tropical climates and is the main ingredient in the Indian spice curry. What few people know is that turmeric is also one of the best all-around natural medicines that can be found. Turmeric can be used topically for skin related health issues or ingested for a wide […]
Is it possible to stay warm during winter without a fossil fuel powered central heating system? Straw bales are one of the most common left over products from farms in the United States. In many places, excess straw bales are burned leading to huge amounts of contamination. Straw bales, however, are some of the most […]
Rain is often seen to be one of the leading causes of soil erosion. The problem isn’t with rain itself, but rather with bad land management practices and farming practices that aren’t designed to take advantage of the rain. The best place to store water is in the landscape itself, and through the process of […]
There’s no question that protein is an essential part of a healthy diet. However, for those that avoid meat and animal products because of their negative environmental impacts, what are they supposed to eat instead? Is there a healthy, tasty protein option available for them?
If your immediate answer is tofu, you are exactly right. […]
Keeping your skin looking its best can be a full time job, and the beauty industry wants you to pay a premium for it.
Billions of dollars are spent every year to advertise new cosmetic products that claim to fix our every insecurity, from blackheads and pimples to unsightly dryness. Watching their advertisements, it’s easy […]
Finding the perfect products to make you look your most beautiful is no easy task, especially with the enormous amount of options available. Beauty products are an almost $60 billion industry every year, and companies are eager to push their products on you. Do you look better in warm tones or cool ones; matte lipstick […]
Who doesn’t want their home to be more environmentally sustainable? Greener homes are healthier to live in, help you to live like a responsible global citizen, and are a smart way to take care of the world’s limited natural resources.
Though an entire eco-friendly home renovation is probably out of your budget, there are lots […]